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LS7366R, LS7366R-S, LS7366R-TS

LS7366R LS7366R-S LS7366R-TS

32-Bit Multi-Mode Counter with Serial Interface。。 (14 Pins)

Synchronous (SPI) serial interface

Up to 40 Mhz Counting Frequency

32-bit Counter Comparator Input and Output Registers

Two 8-bit registers to program functional modes

8-bit instruction register and 8-bit status register

Programmable input for Counter Load

Output Register Load or Counter Reset

Modulo-N; Non-recycle; Range-limit or Free Running modes of up/down counting

8-bit 16-bit 24-bit and 32-bit Programmable configuration

3V to 55V Operation



上一篇: LS7566R-TS

下一篇: LS7267, LS7267-S, LS7267-TS


电话:0755-2640 8281