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LS7560F, LS7560F-S, LS7560F-TS, LS7561F, LS7561F-S, LS7561F-TS

LS7560F LS7560F-S LS7560F-TS LS7561F LS7561F-S LS7561F-TS

BLDC Motor Controller (28 Pins)

Open loop motor control

Tachometer output for closed loop motor control

Error Amplifier and PWM Speed Comparator with full accessibility

High noise immunity Schmitt Triggers on sensor inputs

60V Reference Supply for external sensors

Cycle-by-cycle current sensing

Static or current limited dynamic motor braking

Output enable delay on speed direction reversal

Enable input with fault sensing capability

Fault indicator output

60°/300° or 120°/240° electrical sensor spacing selection

Selectable PWM of top and bottom drivers or bottom drivers only

CMOS compatible motor outputs with drive capability

Selectable top driver polarity

Low power dissipation

+10V to +18V Power Supply (VDD - VSS)




电话:0755-2640 8281