LS8292, LS8292-TS, LS8293, LS8293-S, LS8293-TS
Micro-Stepper Motor Controller (24 Pins; 28 Pins)
Controls Bipolar and Unipolar Stepper Motors
Full, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16 and 1/32 Stepping modes selection
PWM outputs for external H-bridge drivers
Dual precision DAC references for PWM Sense Comparators
Fast, Slow, Single-Mixed and Dual-Mixed Decay modes selection
Programmable delay for sense input blanking
Programmable delay for the Mixed-Decay cycles
Holding Torque at reduced power for idling motor
Auto-switch to Holding Torque with programmable delay from idle state
Inputs for Step, Direction, Reset to home and Disable PWM
IOs for external clock or built-in oscillator
Supply current: < 400uA
Supply voltage: 4。5 to 5。5V